Using the dApp (MetaMask)

This is the easiest way to claim your LINK.

This method only works with MetaMask, if you are using a diffrent Wallet use Method 2.

Make sure your MetaMask is on the Binance Smart Chain, if it is not on BSC the dApp wil not connect with your wallet.

Start off by going to the dApp.

Click the Connect Button in the Top Right corner.

You can now see your amount of Link you have available to claim, click the "Claim your LINK" button to perform the claim transaction.

Metamask will now ask you to confirm the transaction.

Click Confirm, the TX has now been send. It may take up to a few minutes for this transaction to go through. When i​t goes through your claimable link will show 0.00000 Link and you will have received the Link in your wallet.

Last updated